Late Summer Pests in North Carolina

A wasp perched on a leaf

You might think that you’re in the clear for pest problems when the summer heat starts to ease in North Carolina, but certain types of pests actually thrive around this time. With an ample amount of warmth and plenty of people participating in outdoor activities to savor the last of the summer, these pests have an easy time finding what they need, whether it be a blood meal, a food supply, or a place to build their nest. In order to ensure that pests don’t ruin the last part of your summer, you have to take preventative measures. Keep reading to learn what pests to watch out for and what you can do to prevent them, from the experts at McNeely Pest Control.

Common Late Summer Pests

Every season has its own characteristic pest problems in North Carolina and late summer is no exception. The pests that are the biggest nuisance in late summer are typically the ones that have the most to gain from warm conditions. Here are some pests that are especially active in late summer:

Bees and wasps: Stinging insects stay active into the late summer, pollinating plants in your garden and taking advantage of the warm weather. Wasps become both more numerous and more aggressive as the population of the colony peaks and natural food sources start to decline. Be wary of wasps and their nests at this time of year and definitely don’t try to remove a wasp nest yourself.

Ticks: They breed during the early summer, producing a yield of offspring that will climb to the tops of tall grass in search of hosts including you and your pets. They thrive in warm weather so your chance of running into them is increased even during the late summer months. Take precautions when hiking through tall grass and check yourself for ticks after you’re done.

Wildlife: Wild animals like raccoons, possums, and squirrels that wander into your yard could tear through your trash or garden and cause serious property damage. As the summer gets later, these animals like to stash food for the colder months and can end up living in your attic. 

Mosquitoes: If mosquitoes establish a viable breeding population, their numbers will be so high by the late summer that they will be very hard to ignore. Mosquitos remain active as long as temperatures don’t drop below 50°F consistently, so be vigilant and try not to go out at dawn and dusk when they most like to feed.

Pest-proof Your Property for Late Summer

Major infestations of any of these late summer pests call for the intervention of a professional exterminator, but there are some general housekeeping strategies you can try to prevent pest problems on your property before they start. We recommend the following:

  • Keep your yard tidy: Make sure that all of your trees and shrubs are trimmed back, promptly dispose of piles of grass clippings or other vegetation, and make sure you aren’t leaving out any items that could become shelter or habitat for pests.
  • Seal your home: Regularly monitor the outside of your property to make sure that your home doesn’t have any cracks or gaps in roofing, foundation, or siding allowing pests access to your home. Unsealed attic vents are a particularly common pest entry point.
  • Be careful with trash: Using bins that seal and not leaving trash outside the bins will help you avoid attracting hungry wildlife.
  • Get rid of standing water: Mosquitoes breed in pools of standing water, no matter how small. Covering up pools, spas, and birdbaths and regularly checking for rainwater pools will help keep mosquitoes from breeding on your property. 

Help with Pests in Late Summer

If you’ve tried everything you can to prevent pest infestations to no avail, it’s time to contact a local pest control company. The team at Mcneely Pest Control are licensed and trained to take on all of the types of pests we regularly see here in North Carolina. We can determine the cause of your infestation, put it to a stop, and teach you how to identify and to make your property less appealing and accessible to pests going forward. Contact us for a free quote

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Me Instead of Others?

Mosquitoes in Winston-Salem NC - McNeely Pest ControlAre you a “mosquito magnet?” Some people report being bitten by mosquitoes far more often than others, and it appears that mosquitoes do indeed favor certain kinds of people over others, but experts are yet to narrow down the exact reasons why. However, we do know the indicators that mosquitoes use to find people to feed on in general, and being aware of these signals can help you avoid mosquito bites going forward. To learn more about mosquito preferences, host detection, and avoiding bites, read on for advice from the mosquito exterminators at McNeely Pest Control in Winston-Salem NC!

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Certain People Rather Than Others?

Some people are clearly more susceptible to mosquito bites than others, but experts haven’t yet come to any solid conclusions on the specific reasons as to why. What we do know is that mosquitoes use a select few sensory signals to identify potential hosts nearby, and some of our behavior can amplify those signals. These three factors attract mosquitoes to humans:

  1. Breath: When humans exhale, we release carbon dioxide into the air that is picked up by specialized receptors on the female mosquito. The more effort you exert, the more carbon dioxide you exhale, attracting mosquitoes in your vicinity.
  2. Body odor: Getting active outdoors also attracts mosquitoes by signaling your presence through your body odor. Perspiration tips off mosquitoes to people close by.
  3. Temperature: Following this theme, exercise will increase your internal body temperature, letting off yet another signal to mosquitoes that an eligible host is in the area.

How Do You Avoid Mosquito Bites Reliably?

Sometimes it seems like there’s nothing you can do to avoid mosquitoes in the spring and summer around Winston-Salem and Greensboro. However, there are three strategies you can take to lessen your chances of being bitten:

  • Look out for standing water: Spring rainwater that pools up in your gutters, planter boxes, or elsewhere on your property will provide breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Inspect your property for still water and pour out all of it that you find.
  • Choose the right clothes: Dark clothing will trap heat close to your body and increase your internal temperature, giving off a signal to mosquitoes. Wearing white or light-colored clothing is a smart choice to make. Pants and long sleeves will really do the trick, but it’s understandable to not want to cover up in the warmer months.
  • Use a safe bug spray: EPA-approved insect repellents will keep you safe from bites for hours, especially if they contain DEET or picaridin. You can also try lemon eucalyptus and citronella oil for an all-natural option.

Professional Mosquito Exterminators in Winston-Salem NC

If your at-home mosquito prevention tricks aren’t working for you, reach out to your local mosquito control experts at McNeely Pest Control. Our team of mosquito exterminators can set up an optimized barrier treatment made specifically for your property to stop mosquitoes from breeding and keep them away for months at a time. To learn more about mosquito barrier treatments or to get started with service, contact us today!