Spring Swarms: Pests to Look Out For

a green lawn in springtime, with the sun shining through the trees

If you’re looking forward to spring in Winston-Salem, you’re not the only one. All across the region the weather is starting to warm, and plants and trees are preparing to blossom and face the sun. We’re gradually emerging from our cozy winter hideouts, but as the weather warms up, pests prepare to do the same thing. So you run the risk of your newly-habitable yard being swarmed by insects like termite, bees, wasps and ants. 

How can you protect yourself and your property? Let’s talk about it more below.

What Makes Insects More Active

Insects adjust their behaviors to follow the ebb and flow of the weather. In the cold season they tend to burrow underground, or enter nearby structures, to protect themselves from the chill. Then, when the winter passes and the days get warmer, these insects emerge from hiding with plans to breed and feed. They’ll get more aggressive the nicer the weather gets, and certain pests will tend to build their nests on or near homes or businesses.

Protection for Your Yard and Home

  • There are a variety of pests that we deal with in Winston-Salem throughout the year, but the most common springtime pests are:
  • Wasps
  • Bees
  • Ants
  • Termites

What can you do to keep your property safer from these insects? The answer depends on the pest itself. Wasps are drawn to protein-based foods, so if you make sure to clean any leftovers after barbecues you effectively remove an easy source of food. Bees, on the other hand, mainly look for shelter, making it crucial to seal openings into your home and keep your yard clear of debris. This, along with limiting sources of standing water, will also deter ants and termites. Be sure to also Check your eaves to make sure there are no bee or wasp nests being constructed there.

There is more you can do to exclude pests in Winston-Salem, but at the same time there’s only so much you can do on your own. If you want to be fully protected from insects and more, you’ll need the help of a professional like the team at McNeely Pest Control, Inc.

Comprehensive Protection with McNeely Pest Control, Inc

If you have an infestation, you shouldn’t be expected to wipe it out by yourself. Instead of wasting time on DIY pest control that rarely works as well as intended, call the experts at McNeely Pest Control, Inc. Our exterminators have 23 years of experience in all manner of residential pest control. When warm weather insects appear, so do we – and we have the solutions you need to be pest-free this spring and year-round. Contact us today to get started!

Getting Rid of Ants in the Bathroom

Ants crawling up a cup in Greensboro NC - McNeely Pest Control

There are many different ant species living around Winston-Salem NC. Because ants try to get into our homes in times of rapid weather changes, it’s hard to predict when your next ant outbreak will be. Given the sporadic nature of ant infestations, it’s important to keep your home protected from all kinds of ants throughout the year.

One of the most commonly ant-infested rooms in homes is the bathroom because ants can often find water, shelter, and even food there. If you’re dealing with ants in your bathroom, read on to learn how to get rid of them with the ant exterminators at McNeely Pest Control!

Why Are Ants Infesting My Bathroom?

Bathrooms are attractive to ants because of the consistent source of moisture and water pools that they provide. Water builds up in your shower, in your sink, and on your floor, providing ants with an easily accessible place to hydrate. Carpenter ants are notorious for breaking into bathrooms through water-damaged wood surrounding them. However, you’re likely to find many different kinds of ants in your bathroom if you aren’t careful. Here’s how ants can get in:

  • Cracks in your foundation and walls
  • Openings in ventilation systems
  • Gaps around doors and windows
  • Holes around plumbing fixtures

It could also be the case that ants in your bathroom came from another room in your home, so it’s important to try to trace their trail.

Getting Rid of Ants in the Bathroom

Identifying the source of your ant trail is the most crucial step in effective ant control. If you can’t take out their colony, the ants will keep coming back. Unfortunately, it’s very difficult to trace ant trails all the way back to their source when they travel through walls, pipes, and more. This is why knowing ant prevention strategies can come in handy. Try these methods to keep ants out of your bathroom in the first place:

  1. Seal cracks on the outside of your home with silicone-based caulk
  2. Make sure your bathroom is well-ventilated
  3. Close any windows and doors all the way
  4. Replace any wood that has sustained water damage
  5. Move mulch further away from the side of your home

Best Ant Control in Winston-Salem and Greensboro NC

If it’s too late for these strategies to help and you’re already dealing with a persistent ant infestation, it’s time to get your local pest control company involved. The ant extermination experts at McNeely Pest Control can inspect your property to find every ant hill, quickly removing active ants and setting up a plan to keep you ant-free going forward. Reach out today for a free quote!